Hello, I'm Patrik
A full-stack developer with a deep focus on Go programming and web development. Over the past decade, I've dedicated myself to teaching and empowering developers with tutorials that guide them in building robust web applications. If Go development interests you, my resources are designed with your journey in mind.
How to Use SQL in Go
Published:In this tutorial, you'll learn how to use SQL in Go (Golang).
Go (Golang) Tutorial 10 - Structs
Published:In this tutorial, we’ll learn about structs in Go, which are used to group related data together and create custom types.
Go (Golang) Tutorial 9 - Maps
Published:In this tutorial, we’ll learn about maps in Go, which are used to efficiently manage collections of key-value pairs.
How to Code Hangman in Go
Published:we’ll build a hangman game in Go.
Go (Golang) 8 - Functions
Published:In this tutorial, we’ll explore functions
Go (Golang) 7 - Loops
Published:In this tutorial, we’ll explore loops
Go (Golang) 6 - Conditionals
Published:In this tutorial, we’ll explore conditionals
Go (Golang) 5 - Arrays & Slices
Published:In this tutorial, we’ll explore arrays and slices
Go (Golang) Tutorial 4 - Print Formatting and Input
Published:In this tutorial, we'll explore print, formatting and reading user input in Go.
Go (Golang) Tutorial 3 - Variables & Types
Published:In this tutorial, we'll explore variables and data types in Go.
Go (Golang) Tutorial 2 - Running Your First Go Program
Published:In this video, you will write your first Go (Golang) program and run it.
Go (Golang) Tutorial 1 - Introduction & getting started
Published:Welcome to this introductory tutorial on Go (Golang) programming. In this video, you'll learn the basics you need to get started with Go.
How to Build A CLI Todo App in Go
Published:In this tutorial, we are gonna create a CLI To-Do app using Go (Golang).