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Go (Golang) Tutorial 3 - Variables & Types


Welcome back to this Go programming series! In this video, we’ll explore variables and data types in Go.

Strings & Declare variable

To declare a variable in go. We type var, then the name of the variable, followed by its type.

var animal1 string = "cat"

You can also create a variable without specifying the type. Go will then infer the type.

var animal2 = "dog"

There is a shorthand way to declare variables in Go. This can only be used in functions. If you are outside a function use var instead.

animal3 := "monkey"

You can skip giving the variable a value and Go will give it a default value. For strings Go will assign the empty string as a value.

var animal4 string
animal4 = "lion"

We can only change the value to the same type. We can’t for example give a string variable value 10.

Variables without an explicit value initial value are given their zero value.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var animal1 string = "cat"
	var animal2 string = "dog"
	animal3 := "monkey"
	var animal4 string
	animal4 = "lion"

	var defaultNum int
	var defaultBool bool
	var defaultStr string

	fmt.Println(animal1, animal2, animal3, animal4) // cat dog monkey lion
	fmt.Println(defaultNum, defaultBool, defaultStr) // 0 false ""

Variable Declaration Block

Go has something called a Variable declaration block which lets you declare multiple variables together using a single var keyword followed by parentheses.

var (
    name    string = "John"
    age     int    = 30
    address string = "123 Go Street"

It’s a neat way to group and initialize several variables at once, making your code cleaner and more organized.


In Go, constants are fixed values that you define with the const keyword and cannot be changed after they are set. Constants can be character, string, boolean, or numeric values.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	const pi = 3.14
	const port = 1337

	fmt.Println("Pi: ", pi)
	fmt.Println("Port: ", Port)

Data types

String type

Strings are immutable sequences of characters, declared using double quotes ("").

Int type

The way we use numbers can be split into two main groups: those that can be negative (signed) and those that can’t (unsigned). Each type of number has different sizes

Signed Integers (Can be Negative)

Unsigned Integers (Only Positive Numbers)

In Go, the size of int and uint types is automatically optimised to match the architecture of your computer, either 32-bit or 64-bit

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var num1 int  = 1992
	var num2 int64 = 123456789
	var num3 int8 = 128 // err to big max number is 127
	var num4 uint = -100 // err can't be negative

	fmt.Println(num1, num2, num3)


This will output an error for num3 since 128 is too big for int8. It only supports values between -128 to 127. It will also throw an error on num4 since we are not allowed to give it a negative value.

When you need an integer value you should use int unless you have a specific reason to use a sized or unsigned integer type.

Float type

In Go, floating-point numbers are used to handle decimals and fractions. There are two main types:

Floats are essential for representing numbers that aren’t whole, like measurements, currency values, or percentages.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var amount1 float32 = 99.84
	var amount2 float64 = 109.5
	amount3 := 56.7433 // When using shorthand it will default to float64


Using float64 in Go is preferred because it’s more accurate for numbers with decimals and helps avoid mistakes in calculations. It’s a safer choice for most tasks, especially since the extra memory usage is usually not a concern.

Boolean type

A boolean (or bool) is a simple type that holds only two values: true or false. It’s used to make decisions in your code, like checking conditions or controlling program flow with if-else statements.

package main

import "fmt"

func main() {
	var isTrue bool = true
	isFalse := false

	fmt.Println(isTrue, isFalse)

Other basic types

// byte is an alias for uint8
// is used to represent a byte of data (values from 0 to 255).
// commonly used when dealing with raw binary data,
// like files or network connections.
var b byte = 255

// rune is an alias for int32
// is used to represent a Unicode code point.
// Useful when working with individual characters in a string.
var r rune = 'A'

// complex64 is a complex number with float32 real and imaginary parts.
// Used in arithmetic math
var c64 complex64 = 1 + 2i

// complex128 is a complex number with float64 real and imaginary parts.
// provides higher precision than complex64.
var c128 complex128 = 1.0 + 2.0i

In Go, byte and rune are alias types that provide clearer, more descriptive naming for existing types.

A complex type is a number with both a real and an imaginary part, represented as complex64 or complex128, useful for performing complex arithmetic operations.


Full source code can be found here Github

In this tutorial, we learned about different types in Go, like strings, integers, floats, and booleans. We also talked about variables and how to use & declare them. I hope you enjoyed this tutorial, Thank you so much see you in the next episode.